
We are currently facing major geopolitical and geoeconomic shifts on a global scale. The Western-dominated, treaty-based world order of the past 30 and more years is seemingly coming to an end. The future will be shaped by a new multi-polar world order. We are in a phase of reorientation that also affects global economic and financial flows. Fracture lines along geopolitical zones of influence are emerging, particularly in Africa, the Pacific region and Eurasia.

The transition is still ongoing and the features of the new world order are still unclear, but the first consequences are already materializing. Global companies are faced with myriad challenges such as trade and investment restrictions in the high-tech sector and in critical infrastructure, as well as supply chain risks, contradicting localization policies, and growing formal and informal restrictions when it comes to doing business in sensitive areas both in the USA/the West and in China.

To build up resilience, companies must develop a geostrategy to manage the challenges of this changing world. If they overlook geopolitical dynamics, they face the risk of revenue declines, sanctions, supply chain disruptions, and losing market share to competitors.


The solutions we offer

  • We foster growth through a business strategy adapted to geopolitical dynamics

  • We show options for new global product/market combinations

  • We provide a transparent analysis of risk exposure and develop management strategies


The Methods we use


Strategic foresight workshops

Development of new global product/market combinations

Risk analysis and management

Strategy development